Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Peer to Peer cobrowsing in retail makes for a real coshopping experience?

A couple of days ago, Savio wrote more about utilizing our peer to peer cobrowsing functionality. Today at Impact 2009, we demonstrated WebSphere Commerce utilizing the peer to peer cobrowsing widget to allow for a coshopping environment. In this, Daisy Tan extended the cobrowsing functionality to add instant messaging into a Commerce deployment so that users of that could cobrowse and instant message with one another in the cobrowsing modal window. Perhaps I will get a demo of that integration up later, but for now here is a homemade video of the peer to peer cobrowsing with the sample provided in the feature pack. This shows a simple scenario for coshopping within the application. Our demonstration could have been just as easily a travel planning application, insurance benefits application, or any number of applications allowing two people to view a similar page and use the web as another communication modality. Check it out and let us know what you think! (aside from the fact that I am obviously not a professional voiceover guy or video editor ;-) )


  1. Hi Erik, these are great videos, well done! I was wondering how WebSphere Commerce utilizes the cobrowsing widget if Commerce doesn't currently support WAS V7.0?


  2. @M++ great question.

    You need a server running WAS v7 which is where the CEA feature pack would be installed. This is where the server-side APIs (RESTful services & Web Services based) would execute.

    The widgets themselves (used in WebSphere Commerce pages in this sample) are just Javascript, so they work with WebSphere Commerce (without requiring WS Commerce to be running on WAS 7).


  3. Hi Savio,

    That makes sense - thanks for responding!
