Monday, May 11, 2009

JSR 289 Compliance and documentation

For the enterprise, Communications Enabled Applications (CEA) are about using existing programming skills (Java, web services, javascript, HTML) to be able to access communications services. But for some of our communications partners and customers, the communications applications they are creating require a robust infrastructure with some extensive telecommunications standards. Our feature pack, the WebSphere Application Server v7.0 Feature Pack for Communications Enabled Applications, also produced the latest SIP Servlet specification, SIP Servlet 1.1, for these customers. The openly available beta provides that JSR 289 support and is fully compliant. Here is a snapshot of the API report in the specification, 100% compliant.

We did have some exclusions as part of the testing, all of which were agreed to by the specification leads.

Recognizing we have two types of users creating applications with the CEA feature pack, we adjusted the way we show our documentation to reflect that. The beta documentation is linked on the right hand side of this blog. If you click on that you will note that under the feature pack's documentation we have two sections entitled "Accessing communications in business applications" and "Creating SIP communications applications." The former is for those business users looking to use their existing programming knowledge in areas such as Java, web services, Javascript, or just HTML. The latter is focussed on the advanced communications developers who are looking to build applications utilizing SIP.


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