Click to call- the ability to send a message into our REST service for it to make a phone call between two parties. This widget needs two phone numbers, one for the callee and one for the caller. The caller can be specified by the user of the widget and the callee can be embedded. The widget could also be easily extended to pull the caller information from another source.
Call Notifications - the ability communicate with our REST service to monitor a phone for caller ID type information. This widget needs the phone number to monitor, which could have been entered or pushed through an extension to the javascript.
Collaboration Dialog - this is a modal window which controls the sharing of information between two peers. There are some basic send and receive event semantics around this widget that allow extensions to send and receive various pieces of data.
Contact Center Cobrowsing - when a caller enters through our click to call widget and the callee enters through the call notification widget, the two users are able to launch a collaboration dialog that has the ability to have a controlled browsing session between the two peer users. This is described and demonstrated in detail in the video above.
Peer to Peer cobrowsing - has the ability to create a link which allows two users to enter a cobrowsing session without being involved with the telephony widgets. One user creates the link and sends it to the other via some method such as instant messaging or email. Since this link is created via a REST service, there could be some intelligence in a site which includes this sort of interaction without the widgets involved. Once the link is entered on the peer user's side, the two users can enter a collaborative cobrowsing session.
Two Way Forms - allows you to take a dojo dijit style form and augment it to have a writer and reader side on various fields. This is handy when one side must review the correctness of the data the other side is entering. The video above shows this flow even more.
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